Transport company Koos van Gaalen is a household name in the region as a regional carrier. Koos van Gaalen has been based at abc westland since 2008. And that has resulted in a lot of extra customers.

What started in 1973 with a tractor, has now grown into a mature transport company with dozens of trucks. When the small street they were first housed became too cramped, Koos van Gaalen moved to abc westland in 2008. The central location in the region and favourable price appealed to the transporter. "We also considered other sites, but abc westland came out on top," says Arco van Gaalen.
Koos van Gaalen is the founder of his company with the same name. In the meantime, his son Arco van Gaalen has taken over the transport company. Transport company Koos van Gaalen has grown rapidly in recent years and is still growing, just like the transport world, says Arco. "We invest in automation to become stronger in the market". He explains that planning are becoming more and more important due to the increasing hustle and bustle. Good planners in the office are therefore essential. "Times listen very closely. We have to solve more and harder puzzles." Arco is happy with the central location in the region, at abc westland. "By accommodating us at abc westland, our customer base has increased and our network has expanded. Our customers also react very positively to our location at abc westland".