We spend a lot of effort on compiling the information on our disclaimer-2 website, and regularly check for correctness, actuality, and completeness.
No rights can be derived from the content of this site. abc westland reserves the right to change, update, or add information to the content of the site and required software at any moment, and without prior notification. abc westland cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, of whatever nature, flowing from, or is connected to the use of this site, or the use of the information of this website.
Copyright protected texts on this site may not be reproduced without permission of abc westland or any client of the text production.
External links
This site contains links to external websites. abc westland is not responsible for the content of these websites. These sites have their own disclaimer, to which we hereby refer.
abc westland appreciates if inaccuracies are reported. Like suggestions for improvement, they can be sent to our secretariat