FreeAir and FreeWater are developers and producers of CE-certified water and air purification systems, both located at abc westland in Poeldijk, the Netherlands.

FreeAir and FreeWater use ozone, developed in-house, to quickly and fully purify air and water from fungi, bacteria and viruses, without using harmful chemicals. Even ethylene can be completely broken down in a non-complex way, thereby greatly increasing the shelf life of fresh products.
As for air purification, FreeAir uses air treatment systems that are mounted in an air duct or air cabinet. The systems consist of a UV-C lamp, an oxygen lamp and an oxygen sensor, which together ensure that bacteria, viruses and fungi are killed, ethylene is broken down and odours neutralised, resulting in a healthy and fresh environment in storage areas, industrial cells, business premises and office buildings.
The purification of the process water by ozone is supported by a unit that destroys algae, biofilm and parasites by means of ultrasonic vibrations, which have no harmful side effects. Thanks to this intensive purification method, the process water is fully re-usable, even as drinking water.
FreeAir and FreeWater were founded by a number of technical entrepreneurs from the agricultural sector. By combining knowledge and experience, they have found a method to stop the use of harmful chemicals by ‘cleaning’ water and air naturally. This method even works to fight the COVID-19 virus in the air and the water.